O njoj se uvek priča!

Objave Elene Karaman Karić, dizajnerke enterijera, uvek privuku veliku pažnju na društvenim mrežama i pokrenu lavinu komentara. I dalje se priča o ritualima koje izvodi u dvorištu svoje kuće na Kosmaju, i to u noći punog meseca, a sada je usledila njena nova fotka i rečenice koje su zaintrigirale mnoge.

Elena je objavila svoju sliku, ali i zanimljiv opis.

- Osećam se duboko ukorenjena u ono što istinski jesam. Duboko u sebi sam nepokolebljiva. Moja duša me je toliko dugo molila da uništim sve slojeve onoga što sam mislila da jesam. Gola sam, ostajem takva, bez ikakvog straha da me u ovom trenutku vide ovako savršenu, celu. Ja sam snaga Zmaja - napisala je Elena na engleskom jeziku.

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As i recently crossed my Birth-day portal in this linear timeline of my multidimensional soul expression, i feel deeply rooted in the essence of who i truly am. There is a part of my deep self that is absolutely unshakable. Articulating my identity was so difficult for so long in this body-soul expression, when who i truly am is eternal death-birth-death dance of the cosmos and there is a melancholy in that challenge.. 🌛🌑🌜 My soul was begging me for so long, to shred all the layers of who i thought i am.. And here i stay, naked, without any fear to be seen as i am- whole and perfect in this moment. In that space between the inhale and exhale i feel the Essence of my identity, and all my female lineage deeply rooted in my bones. I am the strength of the Dragon 🐉 and wisdom of the ancient 💫 and the High Priestess in my own body-temple of the wild women..🌹🖤🌹

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Autor: D.T.

#Elena Karaman Karić