Iako samoizolacija ume da padne teško mnogima, ove zvezde pokušavaju da se malo zabave dok se odsečene od sveta.

Naime, poznate zvezde šou biznisa pokazale su novim trendom na društvenoj mreži Instagram kako karantin može da bude dopadljiv.

Trend "Seksi samoizolacija" započela je britanska starleta Megan Barton Henson, slikajući se u svilenoj Luj Viton pidžami. Ubrzo su poznate lepotice počele da postavljaju svoje fotografije, neke obučene u pidžamu, neke u bikiniju, a neke nisu nosile ništa, pokazujući kako se sunčaju u svom dvorištu.

Manekenka Bela Hadid postavila je selfi kako bez majice jede burito i obavestila svoje pratioce kako se oseća u karantinu, ali ih je i podsetila da budu ostanu kod kuće.

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Me and my burrito telling you to stay inside! not only for the sake of just yourself but also for literally the entire world and all of the people that you love ..❤️ Its crazy because all we have to do is work together to slow down this virus and people are still having trouble understanding that.. don’t be selfish! meditate ! hang out with your dog/cat/fish! they are probably super excited to have your attention for 24 hours out of the day..!! learn how to knit ! tie die some socks ! write a poem to your mom ! I guess tiktok if that’s what you’re into ! find out your rising sign ! then learn about it ! and become ! a better person! anyways ... last thing ...not new news but... wash those damn hands people! to the people who are still working and the ones who can’t ... I love you and i am thinking about you !..❤️

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Još jedna britanska starleta obavestila je milione svojih pratilaca da neće izlaziti iz bikinija dok je u izolaciji.


