Sve se iskomplikovalo, a tragičan ishod niko nije očekivao!

Glumac Mark Blum, zvezda filma "Očajnički tražeći Suzan", kao i serije "You", u 69. izgubio je životnu bitku. Naime, on je preminuo zbog komplikacija izazvanih koronavirusom, pišu strani mediji.

Porodica, kolege i prijatelji veoma su potreseni i ne prestaju da plaču, a njegova prijateljica i koleginica Rebeka Dejmon javno se oprostila od njega.

Foto: Printscreen YouTube/Matthew Rettenmund

- Sa velikom tugom vas obaveštavamo da je Mark Blum preminuo. Mi koji smo ga poznavali zauvek ćemo čuvati sećanje na njega, velikog čoveka, pravog prijatelja, učitelja i neverovatnog glumca. Bio je pametan, duhovit i mnogo će nam nedostajati. Molim vas, ostanite kod kuće - poručila je njegova prijateljica i koleginica Rebeka Dejmon putem društvene mreže Instagram.

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Dear Friends, It is with such deep sorrow that I’m writing to share the news that our friend and former board member Mark Blum has passed away as a result of complications from the coronavirus. Mark was a dedicated Screen Actors Guild and SAG-AFTRA board member serving from 2007-2013, a passionate champion for merger, and a tireless advocate for members. Those of us lucky enough to have known him will treasure our memories of a gifted actor, a master teacher, a loyal friend, and a beautiful human. On a personal note—I always appreciated Mark’s clear perception of complex situations. He always spoke the truth and did a great service in informing members of our community about the ins and outs of the union whenever he had the opportunity. Mark was smart, funny, and a true actor’s actor. He will be deeply missed. Thinking of you all. Please stay home.

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Autor: M. K.

#Mark Blum
